Owls see through eyes


You have to look through the owl’s eyes to measure the real misery of people who suffer from cynicism.

A man was standing on the side of the road talking on the phone. All of a sudden, he felt a stick in his leg. He sighed with pain and shrieked. When he turned around, he saw a blind man stumbling, falling and trying to get up. Realizing he was hit by a blind man, he forgot his pain and rushed to help him. 

According to another famous parable, someone showed his head injury and presented a sharp stone to the village sage, and the complaint that Mr Ford had hit me with. The man asked for a fair trial. The sage asked the plaintiff to seek vengeance on the stone. The complainant was puzzled and disagreed. How am I to avenge a lifeless stone? He explained that the stone was thrown by Mr Ford. Ford should be behind bars and sentenced to a penalty. 

The sage, unfolding the paradox, said to the complainant: “You saw that Mr Ford used the stone as a tool to hurt you, but let us see the thinking and mindset who had used Mr Ford as a medium for this act. Let us use compassion and pardon as a tool to liberate Mr Ford from negative thinking. This way, we can save many wounded.” 

On the question, how to respond to racist’s comments or bullying, one needs owl see-through eyesight to measure the real misery of people suffering in the bleakness of mind and cynicism. Owls glide safely in fog, mist and darkness without bumping into anything. If somebody makes a degrading comment about your personality, race, skin colour, background, or beliefs then the first thing you need to do is to ignore their skin colour, race, background and belief and think about what is making them do so? What satisfaction do they receive from negativity? And why do they want to obtain this satisfaction or pleasure from you in negativity and why they cannot obtain joy and bliss in positivity? How or why did they understand that someone else’s skin colour, race and background were less important or that it was worth laughing at?

Everybody has the freedom to think what they want. Unfortunately, we are often forced to listen to what others think about us and they exhibit a dearth of their intelligence, care, and lack of mental capacity. If you connect their negativity with their race, creed, skin colour or geographical location, you won’t be different but the same as them. The geographic location gives a kind of false confidence to bullies, but the laws of the country do not. 

Secondly, when someone makes comments about you, you don’t need to personalize them. Because they do not know you as an individual.

Your roadside appearance is not YOU. 

Your walking around is not YOU. 

Your entering a shopping mall is not YOU.

Your presence in a park is not YOU. 

The TRUE YOU comes after the long grinding process in friendship and engagement in various activities.

You are just a sign or a sticky note to remind them of what they told themselves about you. Your appearance is merely a reminder of the misinformation they have accumulated. They see your presence, your skin color, your religion as a red rag for fighting bulls. 

If you want to introduce your real self and want to get detach from all connotations and draftings of OTHERS, you should take a daring step to end your seclusion and to get involved with people. Marginalization reinforces your rivals. By spending quality time with people, you are really letting them know you as an individual and learning about your ways, attitudes and feelings.

Interracial marriages between rivals are fascinating precedents for knowing each other as an individual victory over community differences. Sometimes, members of a minority unknowingly support negativity by distancing themselves from the larger community that seeks a single good example in the fight against racism.

Negativists intimidate and nominate a weak minority to fuel their hostility. The members of the minority should come forward to get involved in social and cultural activities to prove that they love the host country, value the resources, respect their lifestyle and conforming with social and moral ethics. 

Thirdly, seeing through the repression and frustration of a prejudiced person, and at the same time expressing your compassion in positive terms reduces the effects of pain on you. To make my point, I would like to quote Jesus Christ’s famous words: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” 

And he spoke these words for them that had spit upon his face, and mocked him, and nailed Him to the cross. He has named no race, no colour, no community. He believed that because of “not knowing” his reality, people were killing him. I am certain that people knew the terrible things they were doing with Jesus. But the positive words of Jesus functioned as painkillers to Jesus himself. If He had thought that the people I come to save, serve and love had done such heinous things to me. Such thinking increased his physical pain and added to his mental anguish too. 

You can think positively of those who hate you and bully you because they don’t know what they’re doing.


  1. Kertomus herättää ajatuksia ja tuo tuoreita, hyviä näkökulmia siihen, miten kohtaamme erilaisia ihmisiä. Ja miten erilaiset ihmiset voivat kohdata meitä. Tuot esille hienosti, miten Jeesus kohtasi omat ristiinnaulitsijansa. Siitä voimme oppia paljon, vaikka elämän arjessa se ei ole aina helppoa.

  2. What a beautiful write up to tackle the problem of racial discrimination in particular and any discrimination or hatred in general. There are so many gems of thoughts that I picked from this article.
    You have tackled it on psychological, spiritual and physical perspectives with a pragmatic approach.

    My favourites of thoughts are these: Everybody has the freedom to think what they want. Unfortunately, we are often forced to listen to what others think about us and they exhibit a dearth of their intelligence, care, and lack of mental capacity.

    And another one is the analogy of the ‘Sticky notes’ that others create about our identity.

    1. Thank you, Esther for your comment. We are glad that you found some food for your thoughts in Karl’s article. Have a great Sunday!

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