It started with reading and with our parents letting us discover our surroundings…
Travelling can become a lifelong passion, a profession or a dream. Everything depends on the opportunities that cross your path. Julia Dolezalova is my friend w...
Travelling can become a lifelong passion, a profession or a dream. Everything depends on the opportunities that cross your path. Julia Dolezalova is my friend w...
I was recently asked whether I prefer winter or summer. And I realised, I love them both. What I do not like is the time in between… The worst month to be spent...
I have started doing physical exercises on a regular basis again. I didn’t really do much since the first Covid wave. Only walks in the forest and in winter occ...
When you are a foreigner in the country, it seems like you have to be always grateful and happy. Do we have a right to be critical? Can we nag about things that...
Do you know this type of person, that everyone likes? Emine Turkoglu is one of these. When I visited her in her home, not only she had prepared lovely refreshme...
I am angry today. I have just realised how huge a soap bubble the welfare state is. I have realised that without money from gambling being pumped into social se...