The main purpose of this project is to give a voice to foreigners in Finland. By writing, we can raise awareness about topics important to us. By sharing our stories we might help others to see who we are, what we are passionate about, what are our strengths and talents. We can also point to obstacles and difficulties in our integration process or discuss the experience with life in Finnish society.

My Salmiakki Life logo

My Salmiakki Life would like to give foreigners in Finland the opportunity to share their unique experience and knowledge.

Immigrants in Finland are not one homogeneous group. It would be great if this blog is as diverse as possible. But I understand, that writing is not for everybody and that English is not the language every person can use. Still, if you want to be part of My Salmiakki Life we can try to find a way.

I believe we can help in the co-creation of a more culturally sensitive, diverse, inclusive and tolerant society in Finland.

Want to be a part of it? Read more blogging opportunities or let be interviewed 🙂 You can also contact me at

And why salmiakki life?

Salmiakki or salty liquorice is the very Finnish confectionery and the explosion of tastes, especially for foreigners 🙂 Although it might taste strange at the beginning, there are ways how to get used to it or how to even love it.

And this is exactly how life in Finland is (at least for me). Some things might feel strange and some others will become immediately your obsessions, like little pieces of salmiakki in the milk chocolate 🙂


Salmiakki - the explosion of tastes

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